Trainees compile company glossary of terms


Inspired by an article in the IHK magazine “For.Bild”, staff at Guido came up with the idea of getting the company’s own glossary of terms written. And who better to take on the task than the trainees who are confronted with a whole host of new and often highly company-specific specialist terms during their training and need to find explanations for them.

In the kick-off meeting the industrial management assistants and industrial mechanics in their first to third year of training worked with their instructors to develop the electronic form of the company glossary and produce the first illustrative explanations for some terms.

The trainees are now to continue adding to the glossary largely independently and on a continuous basis. In doing so they can count on the assistance of their instructors and department heads, the aim being to provide new employees with an informative reference work.

A further aim of this trainee project is to foster both the sense of community and team spirit as well as the ability to work independently.